Syria Criticises Western Powers’ Stance as Hypocrites

April 26, 2024 Hour: 6:40 pm

The Permanent Representative of Syria to the United Nations, Ambassador Qusay Al-Dahhak, said during a meeting of the Security Council, that the US, France and Britain diverted the Council from its mandate and kept it silent about its violations and those of its allies.


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The demonstration of this hypocritical attitude is the massacre in Gaza, which also shows the indifferent position of the powers for the fulfillment of human rights.

Dahhak also said that Washington, London and Paris do not have the slightest moral or attitude to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security.

The Syrian representative also denounced the obstacles imposed by the United States to the Security Council to stop the genocidal war in Gaza, as well as obstructing the Council’s action to put an end to Israeli attacks on Syrian territory and ensure that they do not recur.

The text reads, 

Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, Qusay al-Dahhak, accused the United States of obstructing the Security Council’s efforts to stop the war in Gaza perpetrated by Israel.

On other issues, the representative criticized the sanctions against the Syrian people, which “only make life more difficult for Syrians and hinder the nation’s recovery process”, in addition, it also increases poverty levels, unhealthy conditions and the quality of education.

The ambassador demanded that the Security Council lift economic measures against Damascus and withdraw foreign troops illegally settled in Syrian territory.


Autor: teleSUR/ CC

Fuente: sana

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